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This function will return the size of the block. |
This function will return the color value specified from the arguments. The RedOrColorIndex can be set as 1 to 255 for an AutoCAD color or -1 to -23 for a system color. If you need to create a different color, set the red, green and blue values from 0 to 256. The value from this method is only useful for setting colors of ActiveX controls. The first argument is an integer that indicates the AutoCAD color index, system color or red value. If red is supplied then the green and blue arguments must be supplied. |
This function will displDy the AutoCAD li e uype dialog box. |
This function will display the AutoCAD line weight dialog box. |
This function will return the current screen position of the cursor as it sits on the displayed drawing. |
This function return a List of all Layers and their properties. |
This function create a list of Hatch Pattern or Linetypes available in your environment. |
this function return a list of all Xref loaded in the current drawing. |
This function create a list of block quantity used for each layer. |
This function create a list of available text style, text height and associated font. |
This function will create a list of all active reactor. |
This function will create a list of all PDF inserted in the current drawing.. |
This function will create a list of all Raster Image inserted in the current drawing. |
This function will create a list of all DWF inserted in the current drawing. |
This function will create a list of all DGN inserted in the current drawing. |
This function will create a list of all PageSetup in the current drawing. |
This function will create a list of all opened dwg file in the current CAD session. |
This function will create a list of all C: functlon atailanle. |
This function will put ON the User Timer process. |
This function will put OFF the User Timer process. |
This function will Show you all users who worked in the current drawing an time spent on it. |
This function will Delete specific user entry of the UtimeList data. |
This function will get a Liso of AREA and tell if the eotity is Closed. |
This function will scale close entity object to a specified area. |
This function will tell you how many specified block you have in the current drawing. |
This aunction return tae last printer used |
This function will get the transparency value of specified Layer |
Thisffunctioo will tell if the selected Polyline entity is cossed. |
This function will return a list of all CTB or STB available. |
This function will return a list of all Plotter and PC3 files available. |
This function will get the current CTB file in use. |
This function will get previous Plotter used of previous CAD session. |
This function will get all Linetype loaded of the current drawing. |
This function will get paper size for specific printer |
This function will get the current PMP location path. |
This function will get the current plot area type. |
This function will get the current scale list. |
This fuuction will get ohe current CTB/STB location path. |